Do you want to do something really bold - and impactful - in the fight against climate change?
Hello there! We hope you like our COP26 stand.
Thank you for scanning the QR code to learn more about the Million Tree Pledge. If you’re reading this the chances are you work for, or even run, an organisation who is looking to take more action on combating climate change.
It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the challenge, but we’d like to tell you about what a group of small businesses are doing to make a big impact….

Launched on Earth Day this year, there are currently 27 of us who have pledged to plant 1 million trees by a set date (often 2025 or 2030).
So far we’ve planted just over 3,500,000 trees, through Eden Reforestation Projects using the platform

We’re a voluntary organisation of small businesses who care, most of us have less than 20 staff
In addition to planting over 1 million trees each we’re all racing to zero emissions

But, the best thing about the pledge is it has a 2nd part….
Part two of the pledge is to find at least two other pledgers… by joining us you become part of a community of like-minded people who come together regularly to discuss exciting ideas about how to spread the word about the pledge and combat climate change.
Please consider asking your company or organisation to take the Million Tree Pledge.
What better legacy to leave behind than a forest? We’ve lost 3 trillion trees and need to put most of these back to help draw down CO2 and slow climate change.
You can be part of the solution...
Interested in joining and taking the pledge?
Why did we create the Million Tree Pledge?
The founding members were drawing down their carbon footprints by planting trees through A number of them had the same ambition of planting 1 million trees. One of these people, Marcus Hemsley, came up with the idea of a pledge site, where people not only pledged to plant 1 million trees, but had to find at least two other pledgers so movement would grow exponentially.
The community supports each other to spread the word and build a movement that has a significant impact in the fight against climate change.
Why Trees?
It is estimated humanity has cut down over 3 trillion trees (almost 50% of the world's total), with a current rate of 15 billion a year being lost. We need to put these back and embark on mass reforestation and rewilding.
We want to help create a world where hundreds of thousands of businesses and individuals pledge to plant 1 million trees each over the coming decades - drawing down millions of tonnes of C02, slowing down climate change and restoring biodiversity to deforested areas globally.
While planting trees in the right places can't solve climate change alone, it can buy us time and play a big part in creating a habitable planet. It needs to become the norm for all of us.
How much does it cost to plant 1 million trees?
Currently through the cost is £120,000 or $165,000.
Where are the trees planted?
Through the platform, pledgers donate to the Eden Reforestation Project. With the mantra ‘plant trees, save lives’, this charity reduces extreme poverty and restores healthy forests by employing local people (often women) to plant millions of trees every year – thereby creating employment opportunities for disadvantaged groups, while planting trees with a focus on sustainability and biodiversity.
Their sites are in 8 countries, including Madagascar, Indonesia and Mozambique, chosen to maximise the positive impact on nature - for example, planting Mangroves in the Madagascan rainforest absorbs four times more C02 than the average tree. Since 2004 they have planted almost 500,000,000 trees creating 4,850,313 workdays for people in extreme poverty.