Glow Innovation

We are on a mission to help 1 million small businesses accelerate to Net Zero by 2025, as a response to the Climate Emergency.

  • 2+ decades of hands-on innovation experience
  • 100+ innovation projects on inventing new products, services, customer experiences across shops, airports, hospitals and online
  • Passionate about people - what makes them tick, discovering their unmet needs, how to galvanise action and create positive behaviour nudges
  • Creative catalyst - who holds spaces for teams to unleash their collaborative potential and achieve breakthroughs in their collective thinking and design
  • Designer of workshops, events and exhibitions, including the Million Tree Pledge's low carbon exhibition space at at COP26 (2021)

Glow specialises in:-

  • climate coaching
  • ecopreneur consultancy for small businesses and social enterprises
  • educating & engaging local communities

50% of profits go towards planting more trees in the Micro Forest we founded during COP26, to open up the Million Tree pledge to a collective of ambitious micro businesses, who want to invest at scale in nature-based solutions to Climate Change and who want to throw the gauntlet down to bigger businesses on the pace and scale of action needed to keep within a 1.5 degree world.

We need to rip up the old rule books and radically shift our mindset. The time from now until July 2029 (when we’re predicted to run through our carbon budget, according to the Mercator Institute’s Carbon Clock) is going to take a level of collaboration and acceleration the world has never seen before across communities, cities, sectors and continents. This is a race we either all win or all lose and we only win when the last person crosses the line.

Is this resonating with you? Get in touch here

Empath. Poet. Designer. Mother. Wild Swimmer. Nature Trailer. Ecopreneur. Climate Coach. Systems Thinker. Strategist. Imagineer. Sustaineer. Low Carbon Leader. Million Tree Pledger.

"Climate Change is the greatest innovation challenge of our time. We hold the future of our children, our grand children, and every future generation in the palm of our hands (not to mention the countless communities on the front-line of Climate Change already in Developing Nations).

What we choose to do (or not to do) this decade will shape the kind of world we have for the rest of the century.

We stand on the edge of either a wonderful opportunity or a catastrophic failure of imagination to enable a world with cleaner air, renewable energy, healthier cities, green jobs, preserved rainforests, rich biodiversity and much more.

By joining the Million Tree Pledge, I hope to lead the way in scaling ambition around nature-based solutions to Climate Change.

I may just be a one woman-band, but I hope to spark the imagination of 1,000 other micro businesses like mine to jump on board the journey to Sub Zero. I know not everyone's in a position to invest, which is why I'm offsetting the lifetime emissions of 1,000 other micro businesses alongside mine.

We are the adults on this Earth right now and it is our responsibility to not just do the bare minimum, but to show what happens when we swarm like a flock of hummingbirds and take radical collective action to ensure we pass on a habitable planet to future generations.  #generationrestoration #goodancestors"

Laura Gelder-Robertson, Innovation Director

Trees planted so far


Trees pledged so far


Seriously considering it?

Imagine how it would feel to have planted 1 million trees, being part of this number, knowing you’re going way beyond your carbon footprint to help reverse climate change.